Spring Flinging with the Labs

Yesterday turned out to be a great day for CSCLRC’s Spring Fling match. Not too hot, nice breeze to keep most of the bugs away and plenty of dogs.

The event was open to all dogs, not just labs, so we had a few show up, like this Portuguese water dog (one of two)

a few Great Danes

and even a pair of Staffies

There was even an Australian Shepherd and a Saluki out to join in the fun.

Naturally there were Labs, and where there are Labs, there are Lab puppies!

The biggest part of the match was conformation, but since it was a B match, it’s less about showing off the best dog and more about getting dogs used to the ring and having fun.

Actually, it’s all about having fun, so there was also a costume contest to wrap things up (along with other fun events like fastest biscuit eating, dress up and ball and spoon races)

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