Shuffling along

I think the running is starting to get a little easier. The first lap is getting a little easier to get through and I’m still sucking wind at the end of my mile, but the in-between parts feel better. I think my pace is getting a bit faster too.

The heat still makes it tough to run although today was a little cooler than Monday’s run. Now up to doing a 3 lap warm up walk, jog/shuffle 6 laps, a 3 lap cool down walk and then 3 more laps on the indoor track to finish cooling off. Total distance of 2.5 miles.

Definitely feeling much better about running than when I first started out, but it’s still tough.

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2 Replies to “Shuffling along”

  1. You’re doing better than me. I was derailed. I’m just going to have to give it at least a week before I start back. I tried to go back on Monday but my shin splints thoroughly chastised me.
    You’re doing great.

  2. Dude you do realize that if God had meant us to walk he would not have invented cars right?
    just saying, lol

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