Simba turns 13 years old today!

Perspectives of a Canadian in the Old/Deep/New/Geographic South: This is where I ramble on about nothing in particular and post a few nice pictures.
In addition to the audio amp find, I also managed to catch an EICO 1030 regulated power supply being wheeled out to be put on the shelf. Naturally, I had to add that to my cart as well.
I’m starting to accumulate a bit of a power supply collection now, it seems.
Haven’t looked inside it yet, but I did plug it in and turn it on. Made the satisfying “thunk” of a big linear transformer being energized, and the 6.3 VAC terminals were putting out about 6.5 VAC (unloaded), which seemed reasonable.
A quick look around the Internets yields hits on various audio forms, so seems like a popular piece of gear in those circles.
While I was scoping out the electronics, Connie was over in the books and found a copy of Practical Antenna Handbook by Joseph Carr, so that went into the cart as well. No such thing as too many antenna books, right?
Good shopping day at the thrift store today.
This is how it begins, right? You’re in one of your favourite thrift stores just browsing around one day, and you spot this sweet looking piece of gear just sitting there on the shelf. It’s really cool looking. Your brain (and your wife) goes “Dude, get it”. Nevermind that you don’t know the first thing about audio except that it’s something your ears detect.
So now I’m the owner of what appears to be a double sided, very slick looking audio amp.
It’s a pretty hefty unit. The only labels on the amp are the DSM logo and a name plate saying who the amp was made for.
All the tubes emited a nice soothing warm reddish glow when I plugged the unit in and turned it on. Guessing that’s probably a good sign.
After thinking about it for a bit, I’m realizing that each side of the amp corresponds to the left and right channel coming from each device going into the unit.
I don’t know who William H. Moody is, and it’s unlikely I’ll ever find out. Whoever he was though, he probably liked his audio.
The Flame Thrower from Vicious Biscuit. Biscuits almost as big as your head.