What season are you?

You’re Most Like The Season Autumn …

You’re warm, and the most approachable. You have that gentle prescence about you. People can relate to you, and find you easy company. However it’s likely you’ve been hurt in the past and it has left you scarred so things can become rather chilly with you at times. Being the third Season in, you’re mature, trustworthy and loyal to your friends but prone to depression and negative thinking.

Well done… You’re the shy and sensitive season 🙂

?? Which Season Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla

Vocabulary differences.

I’m Canadian, my wife is American. I’m from the West, she’s from the East. So naturally, each of us has a different vocabulary set. There are a few items that I call one thing, and her by another.

Monday for example, we were at Office Depot to get a laser pointer for a presentation she was doing. At the last minute, she remembered she needed something called postal tape. She tells me to go get the postal tape. So I head off and then realize that I have no idea what postal tape is.

Me (staring blankly): Huh?

Her: Postal tape!

Me: Postal tape? What the heck is this postal tape you’re talking about?

Her: That clear tape you use for packages!

Me (understanding finally dawns on my face): Oh, packing tape!

The same thing happens when I try to tell her what the temperature is outside or give her anything in metric units. She just stares at me blankly until I break down and work out the conversion in my head.

She occasionally pokes fun at some of my Canadian pronunciation. I occasionally mock her accent, which she occasionally slips into when she gets excited or is talking to friends from back home.

Pop vs soda, postal vs packing tape, C vs F, zed vs zee. Yes, we’re different. And that’s probably the way it will stay.

Clever microwave tricks

Hey physics profs and teachers. Want a neat microwave trick for your students to try out? Measure the speed of light using a microwave and chocolate. It’s a simple experiment using a line of chocolate chips and a microwave. The principles are discussed in the article and according to the article, gets pretty close to the answer. And when you’re finished with the experiment, you can eat it!

Fount at Slashdot.org

Matrix: Reloaded

Went to see Matrix: Reloaded yesterday at the IMAX theatre. In a word, awesome. In the words of the person next to us, “Holy Crap”. Seems it was his first IMAX experience.

Seeing it on the big IMAX screen and with the big IMAX sound was awesome. There was a glitch with the audio sync in the last 30 minutes of the movie that was mildly annoying, and halfway through the movie an automatic timer brought up the screen lights. The lights were soon turned back off though.

An excellent and highly recommended experience. I’m really looking forward to Matrix: Revolutions on IMAX now.

Bones, bones, bones

I have a skeleton.

No, not the one inside my body holding me up and not the ones in my closet either. It’s one of those display skeletons you might find in your doctor’s office, or an anatomy lab. It’s not one of those cheesy plastic ones either. This is an actual skeleton, with real bones.

I was walking through our department mail area, and there it was propped up next to the photocopier with a sign saying “I’m headless and homeless. Find me a home”.

It’s not in the greatest shape, and it’s definitely seen better days. It’s been decapitated. The arms have been lopped off and the legs have been amputated below the knees. So I guess it’s just a torso with dangly bits. Some of the nuts, bolts and springs holding the joints together are missing or damaged, so some of the bones bend quite unnaturally. But aside from that, it’s largely intact.

I think it’ll make an interesting decoration for my office, once I find a place for it. Unless of course my wife decides to nab it so she can review her anatomy.