A new family

Well, that didn’t take long at all.

The woman and her friend came by and pretty much fell in love with Hannah right away. Hannah hit it off with them too. I gave them a run down of the training I’ve done with her, her behaviour quirks and personality traits. Now she’s off to be with her new family. I think she’ll be in a great home and get plenty of love and spoiling. They were really nice people and fairly young, so I think she’ll be with them a long long while.

Feels good to know she’s got a good home to go to now (not that she didn’t have one here of course).

Possible adopter for Hannah

Yay! Got word today that someone was interested in Hannah! They will be coming by on Thursday to meet Hannah and if all goes well she’ll have a new forever home.

I must admit I’m a little sad at the prospect of her leaving, but if that means she’ll be going to a nice home where she’ll get spoiled and loved on like she does here, then that makes me happy.

Hannah's mugshot

Hannah on Petfinder

Hannah’s profile has been posted to Petfinder, so she’s out there for everybody to check out. Hopefully someone will be interested in her and she’ll find a forever home soon. Maybe that could be you!
She really is a great dog and will make a wonderful pet for someone.

Hannah’s first dog park visit

The dog park is usually pretty wet and mucky after it rains, but I thought I’d take the dogs out there anyway. Since it’s all fenced in, it’s a perfect spot to see how Hannah behaves off-leash.
As expected, Hannah is quite the ball fiend and will happily chase after the ball until she wears herself out. Sometimes she even brings it back too!
Hannah retrieving
The hard part was trying to keep her from using the mud puddles for cooling off. Not entirely successful, but with labs you can never keep them out of the water.
Looking to cool off
Overall, Hannah was very well behaved and was even pretty decent at coming when I called her.
Now all the dogs are nice and tired and snoozing very peacefully.