After a day of cruising from the Endicott Arm, the final port of call for the cruise was Victoria, BC.
By now, I had managed to come down with a cold that left me a little drained and worn out, but not bad enough that I couldn’t enjoy the rest of the cruise.
After getting some breakfast, I headed off the ship with my sister and niece into Victoria. She wanted to go to Craigdarroch Castle, so we found a map (conveniently provided at the border entry) and walked over. It’s a bit of walk from the cruise terminal, but not hard and the weather was nice.
Our walk took us through some residential neighbourhoods, past the BC Legislature building and along the streets of downtown Victoria.

After about 30-45 minutes of walking (wasn’t really paying attention), we arrived at Craigdarroch Castle, a large Victorian mansion built by Robert Dunsmuir who made a lot of money in coal mining.

It’s a large, impressive building with an interesting history. The Dunsmuir family only lived in it a relatively short time (Robert Dunsmuir died before the castle was completed), and the mansion spent the rest of the time used for institutional purposes (military hospital, college, music conservatory, office space). The restoration and use as a museum was only a fairly recent thing. They’ve done a pretty good job of preserving and restoring the interior, including re-acquiring some of the Dunsmuir’s possessions.
After the castle, we walked back toward the downtown area and stopped for lunch at a place called J & J Wonton Noodle House. I went with the wonton noodle soup bowl, and it was pretty tasty. Would definitely go there again.
Walked over to Victoria’s Chinatown area and saw the big Chinese Gate.

It was about time to head back to the ship, so we didn’t get to wander around Chinatown too much.
On the way back, we wandered through some open air markets near Chinatown and also at the marina near the Legislature building.
At the cruise port, we found this neat sundial type thing where you stand at a spot depending on the time of year and use your shadow to see what time it is.
Had a good time doing this little bit of wandering around Victoria. Will have to visit again and spend some more time here.
Next stop, back to Seattle.