Resistor storage

At the hamfest back in February, I picked up a big bag of resistors that’s been sitting on the shelf since then. They turned out to be 50 strips with 50 resistors each. The values are conveniently printed on the paper strip, which saves me time decoding the stripes on the resistors.

Strips of blue 1% precision resistors

I don’t have room in any of my storage bins to hold them all, and searching through them in that pile isn’t the most convenient thing. Then I remembered reading a while ago about someone using pill bottles to store components in. It seemed like a workable idea, and I happened to have a bunch of them sitting around. I don’t have enough for all of the strips, but I can get more pretty easily.

I wrote down the resistor value on a sticky note folded in half, rolled up a strip of resistors and stuck it into the pill bottle. I had enough bottles on hand to do 21 of strips, leaving 29 left to go.

Resistors organized into pill bottles for storage

I figure I can order them into three groups, 100 (Ω), 103 (kΩ) and 106 (MΩ). The big printing should make it pretty easy to find the ones I need.

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2 Replies to “Resistor storage”

  1. Chuck Adams K7QO uses lots of pill bottles to store his parts. I wonder if it is him you were thinking of? Looks like great storage!

  2. It’s possible, but I really have no idea now. I just recall that it was a blog entry from someone, and one of the pictures was a shelf with a bunch of pill bottles.

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