The larger and older leaves on the fig plants have started to dry up and fall off, which to me is a sign of fall. The plants are also sprouting new leaves at the same time. Figs are slowly ripening, and I’ve picked a few of them already.
The jalapeno plants continue to do pretty well, and I’ve already harvested several pounds of jalapenos. Looks like there’s easily several more pounds waiting to be harvested. I’m trying to resist the temptation to pick a bunch of them and letting them stay on the plant to turn red.
I thought the butternut squashes were done for, but there’s one plant that still seems to be hanging on, and has produced a few more butternut squashes that might get me a small late fall crop.

A bunch of these grass/weed plants in the two empty beds that I’ve been letting grow wild put out a bunch of little flowers that have been attracting a lot of bees, butterflies and moths. It’s fun and relaxing watching them buzz and flit from flower to flower.

The little sweetgum sapling that sprouted up next to the jalapenos made me wonder what other tree-type thing I could get to grow in the garden. It’s the time of year when the live oaks around work drop acorns, so I picked up a few, buried some in one of the raised beds, and put a few more into an empty pot.

No idea if any of them will sprout, but we’ll see. It will be a nice surprise if any of them grow.